Hi, welcome on my blog !
I'm Lydéric Dutillieux, I'm 25 years old at time of writing, and I'm passionate about technology, business, investment, personal development and science.
I'm a problem solver and I work as an IT Consultant at Origénial, my own modest IT Consultancy.
Sharing ideas gives many collective opportunities, and I'm fearly convinced that “Apes together strong”. So, enjoy the ride on this (admittedly inactive) blog and feel free to reach out one way or another.
Latest articles
- Installing NixOS on a VPS hosted at OVH
Leveraging nixos-infect on a ArchLinux VPS OVH offering.
- Targeted Knowledge
Idealistic view on unsollicited pop-up and critics of ads
- Consommer "Local-First" en informatique
Comment trouver le bon équilibre entre logiciels dans le cloud et logiciels sur machine.
- The compound interests of learning
How productivity tips pay dividends over time